Library News 1.8.24

Library News 1.8.24

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” ~ -Stephen King, “The Shining” January brings the new year, resolutions and National Hobby Month. Together they make a great opportunity to kick off or expand your interest in a hobby. Maybe you would like to take up...
Library News 1.8.24

Library News 1.1.2024

As we ring in the New Year, and you are setting goals for life improvement, you might be surprised to know that the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions goes back 4,000 years. The first resolutions began with the ancient Babylonians; they made promises to their...
Library News 1.8.24

Library News for 12/25/23

Phew! It’s already the last week of the year. Maybe you are preparing for December 31st, when people celebrate New Year’s Eve, the last day of the year. It’s a day to say “goodbye” to the old and “hello” to the new. Also known as Old Year’s Day or Saint Sylvester’s...
My Vote Wisconsin

My Vote Wisconsin

You can find your next local election by searching for your address. Find your polling place Find what is on the ballot Register to vote Request an absentee ballot
Start your search at the Library

Start your search at the Library

Search for books and materials on finding a job, interviewing skills, test prep, and more available from your public library. Can’t make it to the library? No problem, builds interview skills, create a excellent resume, and explore new careers using our online...