“Reading is fundamental — fun to mental.” ~ Eddie Griffin

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and our public libraries are beacons of support. Beyond books, they offer solace and understanding.

  • Access for All: Libraries provide free Wi-Fi both inside and outside their walls. Computers hum, screens glow, inviting exploration and connection.
  • Resources Galore: Need job assistance? Struggling with disabilities? Something else? Libraries are gateways to information and support.
  • Social Bonds: Beyond the stacks, engage in lively discussions, witness children’s wonder during story time, or join writer’s groups. Crafting activities weave threads of camaraderie.
  • You’re Not Alone: Caring staff listen. Whether seeking guidance or a friendly chat, they’re your allies.

Immediate Help:

  • Text HELLO to 741741 for a Crisis Counselor.
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Step into your local library. Breathe in old pages and new beginnings. Here, you are part of a resilient community that cares.

“A library is a hospital for the mind.” ~  Alvin Toffler