National Groundhog Day on February 2nd each year asks one question. Will the groundhog see its shadow? Meaning, will there be six more weeks of winter? In the US, we celebrate the day every year. According to tradition, the groundhog awakens from his nap for a...
Love your library? It’s time to let your legislators know! Stop by any of our websites or physical locations to write your library love story. What is a Library Love Story? It can be an answer to any of the following questions: How has the library helped you out...
The fourth Wednesday of January is National Shelfie Day! “What is a “shelfie?” you ask? A shelfie is a selfie taken in front of a bookshelf holding the type of books that you enjoy reading. Your library is the ideal place. There you can find all your favorites....
Public libraries get by with a little help from their Friends…actually, we get by with a lot of help from Friends! Established in 1972, our Friends of the Library groups have given money to support children’s programming, Lucky Day collections, funding for...