“To kindness and love, the things we need most!” ~ Grinch
During this Valentine’s Day week, we naturally celebrate love for our close friends and beloveds with cards, gifts, special meals, and reaching out with a bit of extra kindness. Since we are already primed for kindness, this week is also the perfect opportunity to participate in Random Acts of Kindness day. For at least one day, Saturday, February 17, we can highlight the need for kindness to all and to practice a bit of extra kindness in our everyday interactions. We can do this in many ways including: patience, honesty, being a good listener, and generosity. However, one of the most important characteristics of a kind person is that when they do something for someone, they don’t expect anything in return. Here are some free and low-cost ways you can show kindness: Just smile. Leave a kind note for someone, no explanation is needed. Share words of encouragement; you never know who might need them. Put your skills to work for someone in need; for example, volunteer for a non-profit in your skill or interest area. Mail a “thinking of you” card to someone you’ve not to spoken to in a while. Send a thank-you note to the local fire department, police department, or any military personnel. Even the Grinch was transformed by kindness because “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ~Aesop