Library News 2.12.24

Library News 2.12.24

“To kindness and love, the things we need most!” ~ Grinch During this Valentine’s Day week, we naturally celebrate love for our close friends and beloveds with cards, gifts, special meals, and reaching out with a bit of extra kindness. Since we are already primed for...
Library News 2.12.24

Library News 2.05.24

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” — Abraham Lincoln Everyone loves to talk about Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day, and the Super Bowl in February. Did you see your shadow while groundhogs were checking for theirs? Shadow or no, in this area, February is the third...
Library News 2.12.24

Library News 1.22.24

“Public libraries are the heart and soul of any community. They are a place to read and think and browse and dream.” – Mary McNear Do you love your library? Maybe love feels like too strong a word but maybe you do use the library regularly or your children like story...
Library News 2.12.24

Library News 1.15.24

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King’s quote sums up his desire to live for what he believed was right rather...

Your Library Love Story

5 minutes. One question. Huge impact. Our elected officials and funders need to hear from you so they have a clearer understanding of what the public library adds to our community. We’ve made it so easy! Use the online form or a paper form to tell us your story by...
Library News 2.12.24

Library News 1.8.24

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” ~ -Stephen King, “The Shining” January brings the new year, resolutions and National Hobby Month. Together they make a great opportunity to kick off or expand your interest in a hobby. Maybe you would like to take up...