Library News 11.25.24 Thanksgiving

Be present in all things and thankful for all things.” – Maya Angelou During National Gratitude Month we celebrate Thanksgiving. The national holiday we celebrate this week traces back to George Washington’s Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789, and it officially became...
My Vote Wisconsin

My Vote Wisconsin

You can find your next local election by searching for your address. Find your polling place Find what is on the ballot Register to vote Request an absentee ballot

Explore MORE Passport Program

Have an adventure! Visit Explore MORE participating libraries to collect passport stamps for a chance to win prizes. At the same time, discover our beautiful communities with unique local businesses, parks and museums. There are scenic treasures, local and natural...
Start your search at the Library

Start your search at the Library

Search for books and materials on finding a job, interviewing skills, test prep, and more available from your public library. Can’t make it to the library? No problem, builds interview skills, create a excellent resume, and explore new careers using our online...