“Read. Read. Read. Just don’t read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different style.” ~ R. L. Stine August 9 is National Book Lover’s Day! It’s one of our favorite holidays—a perfect capstone to the summer dedicated...
“Now came the dog days–day after day of hot, still summer, when for hours at a time light seemed the only thing that moved; the sky-sun, clouds and breeze-awake above the drowsing downs.” ~ Watership Down, by Richard Adams, English author b.1920- d.2016 We have hit...
“There were some problems only coffee and ice cream could fix.” ~ Amal El-Mohtar, author and poet As the summer reaches peak temperatures in July, Americans celebrate National Ice Cream Month as a way to cool off and enjoy the nation’s favorite frozen treat with...
“The public library is more than a repository of books. It’s a mysterious, wondrous place with the power to change lives.” ~ Elizabeth Taylor, actress Welcome to the adventures that begin at your library. In a world where digital screens dominate our attention,...
“Do you think it’s gonna rain? / Oh, no I doubt it/Probably not/No, I don’t think it’s gonna rain/Do you think so, Harv? /No, he agrees/No rain …” ~ Lou & Peter Berryman, Album: What, Again? What a difference a year makes. This time last year we...